
We've conducted over 30,000 research studies in secret, including everything from remote viewing to consumer focus groups. We've recently begun hand-selecting the studies that we think the public is ready to hear, and will benefit from. Below is all the information we've released so far.

Friendly Test

Friendly responses to strangers are down 29% from 20 years ago. But greeting people in the same area day after day causes a dramatic increase in friendly responses and interactions.

CA DMV Customer Satisfaction

Here we helped by implementing various psychological techniques for increasing employee morale, as well as reforming the waiting process for customers. We asked customers to rate their life quality upon leaving the DMV, to which they reported an average of 3% higher once our suggestions were implemented.

Cause for Community

In response to recent findings that missing persons posters cause a marked decrease in conversation between strangers in a given area, we found that this impact could be minimized or even reversed by proliferating the area with "free puppies" posters.

BART Rule-Enforcement Examination

In progress...